O. Ishai, L. Banks-Sills and N. Sela, ''Toughness Improved High Performance Torayca Prepreg T800H/3900 Series'', {it 33rd International SAMPE Symposium}, Society for the Advancement of Material and
Process Engeneering, Covina, CA, (1988), 272-–283. -
L. Banks-Sills, "Experiments for Measuring Interface Fracture Properties", Advances in the Mechanics of Plates and Shells-The Avinoam Libai 70th Anniversary Volume, eds. D. Durban, D. Givoli and J.D. Simmonds, Kluwer Academic Publushers, The Netherlands, (2001), 49-66.
L. Banks-Sills and J. Schwartz, "Crack Paths in Adhesive Bonds", Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics - In Honor of Professor I.M. Daniel, ed. E.E. Gdoutos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, (2002) 225-234.
L. Banks-Sills, J. Schwartz and V. Fourman, "Measurement of Fracture Properties of Bonded Joints", Structural Integrity and Fracture, eds. A.V. Dyskin, X. Hu, E. Sahouryeh, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Tokyo, (2002) 97-100.
N. Eliaz, L. Banks-Sills, D. Ashkenazi and R. Eliasi, "Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking of Iron-Based Amorphous Alloys: Experimental and Finite Element Observations", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environment-Induced Cracking of Metals - EICM-2, Elsevier (2004), Banff, Canada.
Y. Freed and L. Banks-Sills, "A Crack Along the Interface Between Two Transversely Isotropic Materials - the ±45 Pair", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering Sciences, 2004, Madiera, Portugal.
L. Banks-Sills and Y. Freed, "Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors for a Crack along the ±45 Interface of a Fiber Reinforced Material", Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of Fracture, ICF11, 2005, Torino, Italy.
Y. Motola and L. Banks-Sills, "Extracting Intensity Factors for Cracked Piezoelectric Bodies", Proceedings of the 46th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, 2006, Tel Aviv, Israel.
D. Decad, J. Aboudi and L. Banks-Sills, "Micromechanics-Based Modelong of Woven Composite Materials", Proceedings of the 47th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, 2007, Tel Aviv, Israel.
N. Konovalov and L. Banks-Sills, "Examination of Out-of-Plane Deformation in Three-Dimensional Interface Crack Problems", Proceedings of the 48th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, 2008, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Y. Freed, L. Banks-Sills and J. Aboudi, "On the Transformation Toughening of a Crack along an Interface Between a Shape Memory Alloy and an Isotropic Medium", keynote, The 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS, 2008, Venice, Italy.
Y. Motola and L. Banks-Sills, "Fracture Criterion for Piezoelectric Ceramics Using the Exact Boundary Conditions Applied to the Crack Surfaces", The 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS, 2008, Venice, Italy.
A. Dorogoy and L. Banks-Sills, "A Rigid Punch on an Elastic Half Space Under the Effect of Friction .- a Finite Difference Solution", The 9th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems, Design and Analysis, ESDA2008, 2008, Haifa, Israel.
L. Banks-Sills, J. Shklovsky, S. Krylov, H. Bruck, V. Fourman and R. Eliasi, "Development of a Methodology for Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Materials Used on the Microscale", International Congress on Fracture, 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
L. Banks-Sills, N. Konovalov and A. Fliesher, "The Effect of Out-of-Plane Deformation on Interface Fracture", International Congress on Fracture, 2009, Ottawa, Canada.
L. Banks-Sills and Y. Motola, "A Fracture Criterion for Piezoelectric Material", IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale Modelling of Fatigue, Damage and Fracture in Smart Materials, Eds. M. Kuna, A. Ricoeur, 2009, pp. 1-7, Freiberg, Germany.
L. Banks-Sills, "A Methodology for Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Materials Used on the Microscale", (plenary) International Conference on Experimental Methods, ICEM14, 2010, Poitiers, France.
C. Ishbir, L. Banks-Sills, R. Eliasy and V. Fourman, "Interface Fracture Behavior of Plain Laminate Woven Composites (the 0/90 - +45/-45 Interface", Proceedings of the 51th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel.
L. Banks-Sills, M. Gohfeld and R. Eliasi, “Delaminations in Multi-directional and Woven Composites”, STAMM, 2012, Haifa, Israel.
L. Banks-Sills, “European Structural Integrity Society Perspectives”, (invited) Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment (ESIA12), Manchester, UK, 2013.
L. Banks-Sills, “Fracture Criteria for Piezoelectric Ceramics”, (keynote) International Congress of Fracture, ICF13, 2013, Beijing, China.
I. Simon, L. Banks-Sills, V. Fourman and R. Eliasi, “Fatigue Delamination Propagation in a DCB Specimen Composed of a Plain Weave Multi-Directional Laminate Composite Subjected to Different Load Ratios”, 56th Israel Annual Conference on Aviation and Astronautics, 2016, Israel.
I. Simon, L. Banks-Sills, V. Fourman and R. Eliasi, “Delamination Propagation and Load Ratio Effects in DCB MD Woven Composite Specimens”, European Conference of Fracture (ECF21), Procedia Structural Integrity, 2016, Catania, Italy.
L. Banks-Sills and E. Farkash, “Reassessment of the Virtual Crack Closure Technique for Interface Cracks”, International Congress of Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (ICTAM24), 2016, Montreal, Canada.
M. Mega and L. Banks-Sills, ''Testing of Brazilian Disk Specimens with a Delamination Between a Transversely Isotropic and a Tetragonal Composite Ply'', Procedia Structural Integrity 13, 123-130, European Conference of Fracture (ECF22), 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
L. Banks-Sills, I. Simon and T. Chocron, ''Multi-Directional Composite Laminates: Fatigue Delamination Propagation in Mode I'', (opening plenary) Annals of Fracture Mechanics No. 36, Congress of the Spanish Fracture Group, 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
M. Mega and L. Banks-Sills, ``Determination of Nearly Mode II Fracture Resistance in a Multi-directional CFRP Laminate'', Procedia Structural Integrity, Virtual European Conference of Fracture 1 (VECF1), 28 (2020) 917-–924.